In The Know®

Your CincyMLS membership, when explained clearly and simply, can improve consumers' thoughts about the value you bring to the table.

It turns out, only 24% of consumers know what the Multiple Listing Service is, let alone how it benefits them. But, when explained in non-industry language, they get it.

You probably don’t talk much to clients and prospects about how CincyMLS provides opportunities for the entire real estate industry. It’s an essential tool that may be taken for granted. We get it, but it’s a missed opportunity!

Right now, many external groups are challenging your value and misleading consumers with an incomplete or inaccurate story about how the real estate market works. We want to help you tell YOUR story by giving you the tools to communicate the MLS benefits effectively.

The Council of Multiple Listing Services (CMLS), an association of over 200 MLSs committed to high standards of professionalism and performance responsible for bringing the real estate industry together to build a better marketplace, has launched a consumer-driven campaign, In The Know®.

This campaign highlights two key truths:

  1. That fully informed real estate decisions based on complete and impartial information exponentially increases with your guidance and use of the Multiple Listing Service.
  2. An open marketplace, where professionals like you work together on a neutral platform (CincyMLS) to make transactions happen, is the best way to get the most competitive offers for the seller’s review and decision.

The In The Know® campaign informs consumers in a way that will enhance your value.

Go to the In The Know® website and see how you can use the story of the Multiple Listing Service to educate consumers on your value they may not have considered before.

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